Von Bangladesh nach Gut Warnberg


Hello, my name is Nuren Alahee. I'm a 17 year old exchange student from Bangladesh currently studying in Private Realschule Gut Warnberg. I've been living in Munich for a 4 days now, and as cliche as it may sound, I feel like I'm at home, away from home. Munich is a beautiful place which has welcomed me and treated me very well since the day I arrived. I already love it here so much.

Before I arrived, I was extremely worried and nervous about living in Germany for 5 whole weeks because neither do I speak the language, nor am I familiar with the culture and weather. It never snows in Bangladesh, and the lowest it gets is 10°C. But all of my worries disappeared as soon as I arrived because of how friendly and welcoming everyone has been to me. I am living with a wonderful family that has been extremely helpful, making my transition very smooth.

I started classes from the 8th of January in grade 10, which was extremely daunting in the beginning but has been exceptionally amazing so far. The class comprises of 14 boys and 5 girls (6 now, including me) who have been tremendously cordial and accommodating. It feels a lot like my school back home. The students speak to me in English and explain lessons in German to me whenever I feel lost.

I can already tell that the next 4 weeks here is going to be immensely enjoyable for me. I can't wait to make new friends and memories.

7 February 2020

Hi, it's Nuren again, writing one last blog post on my last day at school. The past 5 weeks were beyond my expectations, and I am genuinely very glad that I chose to come to Private Realschule Gut Warnberg for a student exchange. This has definitely been one of the best experiences in my life.

Now that I'm actually writing, I don't know where to begin. I have so much to say but the words aren't coming to me. I guess that's what happens when you feel a wide range of emotions at once. As happy as I am to be going back to Bangladesh and seeing my family and friends, I am extremely upset that I have to leave this place. It has been my home for the last 5 weeks, and accepted me as one of its own. I feel profoundly blessed and sad.

My inability to speak German was a huge obstacle, but our wonderful pädagogin, Ms. Tischer, made sure that I was never bored or felt out of place. She also made me my own routine so that I was able to interact with the other classes and "assist" (I'm not sure how helpful I was) the English teachers, so that I could always do some work. She even went as far as buying a "German for beginners" book for me, so that I could learn some basic German. I am very grateful to her for all of her efforts.

This trip brought with it a lot of firsts for me. I saw my first snow, went to a mountain for the first time, went sledging for the first time, ate some things for the first time, lived all by myself for the first time, travelled all alone for the first time and tried being extroverted for the first time. I also learned a lot about the lives and cultures of Bavarians, which was interesting because it is so different from mine.

I really just want to thank everyone for making me feel like I belong. Grade 10, I know I wasn't in the class with you guys much, but thank you for being so chill about everything. Leya, Lukas, Paul and Tom, thank you for translating things during lunch without me even asking. Mia, thanks for being my first friend here. Leon and Nicola, even though today was probably the first time we had a proper conversation, thanks for treating me like we've known one another all our lives. The rest of grade 10, thank you for being my peers here. You guys are an awesome lot.

Grades 5 and 6, thank you for being the cutest pupils ever. I really enjoyed every single second I spent with all of you. Grades 7, 8 and 9, thank you for being so funny and making jokes. Thank you for also trying to speak to me in English and being curious about my life. I understand how difficult speaking must have been for you, and I appreciate it.

Ms. Ludolph and Mr. Büchner, thank you for letting me be in your classes. I honestly enjoyed all of your classes. I wasn't of much help, but thank you for taking me under your wings. Thank you for letting me lead some parts of the classes even when I didn't think I'd be able to. Thank you for letting me see these beautiful relationships that you have with all of your students. You guys are phenomenal.

Ms. Lehnert, thank you for being such a cool person. You have been an amazing mentor to me, and I really wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for teaching me French even though my basics are terrible. Thank you for all your words and advices. Thank you for being the person you are.

To Theresa and her amazing family who hosted me, thank you for being so patient with me. All of you were extremely nice, kind and friendly to me, which definitely made it a 100 times easier for me to adjust. I've loved living with all of you. Thank you for making me a part of your family.

To everyone else, I'm sorry I didn't mention you but thank you for accepting me into your school. I am going to miss walking in these corridors and hearing the students play and have fun. I'm going to miss the snow, the sometimes unbearable weather, the people who I met on this trip and the school in general. I'm going to miss not being a part of the classes here.

Honestly, I think that if I write anymore, I am going to end up crying. Saying goodbye to this place is definitely one of the hardest things I've ever been asked to do. But all good things must come to an end (who said this?). This is it, my bittersweet ending. So bye Gut Warnberg, you've been tremendously good and kind to me.

This is Nuren Alahee, 17 year old exchange student from Bangladesh, signing out one last time.

Von Bangladesh nach Gut Warnberg


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